
To remain relevant and useful as a living resource to the global OD community, feedback from users is critically important. Your thoughtful review and comments in this feedback section are warmly welcomed and encouraged.

There are three steps to providing feedback:

For user experience, you are invited to use the Likert scale, selecting between ‘1’ (it was very negative) and ‘5’ (it was very positive). There are then two boxes for adding comments.

For content feedback, there are two comment boxes—one for general observations about the content and the other for content improvement suggestions.

The final feedback step is for general comments overall, once again with two comment boxes, the second box inviting suggestions for how the app might be improved.

The hope is that the OD app will be strengthened and improved over time, benefitting from the experience and wisdom of its users, the global community of OD practitioners. Thank you for adding your voice to the project.

Audio Instruction

Dear OD App user

We are pleased to welcome you to this ‘field test’ of The OD App. We hope you find it to be a useful resource for you as an OD practitioner.

Please take time to watch the short instruction video on the home page.

We warmly encourage you to provide any feedback, observations, and/or suggestions that you might have for improving the app. This can be done via the ‘Feedback’ form at the bottom of the ‘Your Journey’ tab on the app. 

Once you have opened that tab, you can click on the ‘Feedback’ button and follow the instructions that appear, sharing about your experience and any comments that you think may be helpful.

Thank you! As we note, this is a community resource. Your input is welcome and important.

The OD App Team
