Specialism Contributor

Matt Minahan

Matt Minahan has more than 40 years’ experience in strategic planning, Organization Design and development, and leadership development. His consulting practice focuses on organizations and leaders undertaking enterprise-wide change programs.

He works in the private, public, and not-for-profit sectors with senior executive teams that want to increase the capacity of their organizations in order to develop new business strategies, redesign their organizations, and meet new business challenges.

He earned his doctorate from George Washington University’s Executive Leadership Doctoral Program in Organization Development, following an MS Organization Behavior from the University of Hartford, and a BA in Communications from the University of Maryland.

He is a guest lecturer in several OD doctoral programmes and is an adjunct professor in the School of Public Affairs at American University in Washington, DC, teaching in the AU MSOD Program and the Key Executive Leadership Program.  Prior to that, he was on the core faculty of the MS in OD and Strategic HR at Johns Hopkins University for 15 years.

He is a long-time member of the Organization Development Network, serving on the Board of Trustees from 2009–2016, including as vice chair, co-chair, and chair. He is a former board member at NTL Institute and serves as dean for Human Interaction Lab programmes.

He has been honoured by the OD Network, with the Lifetime Achievement Award (2020), Service to the Network Awards (2016 and 2002), and Best Article in the OD Practitioner (2016). He also received the 2012 Highly Commended Award, Emerald Literati Network, for ‘McGregor’s Legacy: The Evolution and Current Application of Theory Y Management’, with Peter F. Sorensen (2011) Journal of Management History, 17(2).

You don’t have to come from a family of seven to be good at group process consultation!

Group Process Consultation

Group Process Consultation is ‘the reasoned and intentional interventions by the consultant, into the ongoing events and dynamics of a group, with the purpose of helping the group effectively attain its agreed-upon objectives

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